
The Beauty of Grace Is It Makes Life Not Fair

Today was a very “normal” Monday. Work was productive, still as busy as ever. Tonight we had ribs, mac & cheese, and baked brussel sprouts. Another one of Parker’s favorite meals! After dinner we made cards for Molly (Zac’s best friend at his baby sitter’s) because she has been sick the past few days. Zac also wanted to put some candy in a bag to bring to her. He was very excited to make a card for “my best friend Molly” to help her feel better. The rest of the night we played around the house, then some tablet time, then books & bed. Now I’m getting ready to do some reading for school.

On the way home from work I was listening to some old songs that I haven’t heard for a while when a couple of my favorite acoustic songs came on. They are “classic” Relient K songs that I had on repeat in high school and college. So since there’s not much to write about today I thought I’d post them here.

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